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Dr. Samina Najmah

Collective Identity

Self-domination, Positive Character, Healthy Living


Collective Identity engages an in-depth description of epigenetic transmission, race-related stress and trauma, intraracial microaggressions, and critical race issues; and demonstrates the continued discrimination and hostility African Descendants endure and the psychological impact these stressors has on their daily behaviors, self-efficacy, and social-economical productivity. Microaggressions and colorblindness are introduced to validate the interpersonal effects both cause; and how both negates the daily discrimination Blacks encounter.


Institutional racism and betrayal and how it hinders African Descendants’ progress in educational, labor force, housing, and mental health care arenas are addressed. Western European popular culture, the role of the media, and mainstream social and economic role in race-related stress are highlighted to demonstrate how African Descendants are consistently treated inferior to their White counter parts; and experience inequality that results in their inability to move between different social-economical levels in society.


Collective Identity presents a quantitative research study that explored the relationships among race-related stress, intraracial microaggressions, and self-efficacy. Results exhibited the importance understanding the transmission of generations of race-related stress and intraracial microaggressions is for healing future generations. Self-assessment activities are provided to promote learning and encourage self-care, positive energy, and healthy living.

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