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Supreme Quality Coaching and Consulting:

Self Domination, Honest Character, Healthy Living

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Dr. Samina Najmah


I grew up very young learning the importance of knowing self, loving self, and dominating self; and am humbled, with gratitude, when I am invited to cultivate this in others. It is a pleasure to illuminate the practice of self-awareness, self-improvement, self-centering, and taking action; as well as, cultivate honest character, healthy living,  and serving others. I truly LOVE teaching self-mastery and enjoy witnessing client's have their "Eureka" moments!

LIFE COACH - Building your self-esteem, self-confidence, self-importance, self-worth, and self-concept, you are simultaneously building your assertiveness or "carefrontation" skills, boundary setting skills, and overall social skills. Developing the SELF, strengthens your understanding and idea of your purpose, career, goals, direction, and execution. 

BOOK CONSUTANT- Learn how to "get started" on writing, completing, and publishing your book; and receive a list of resources. This is your opportunity to ask all the questions you have! 

Pink Sugar

  More about Dr. Samina Najmah  

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